The Leslie Flint Trust
Promoting the legacy and archive of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint

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Thousands of people attended séances with Leslie Flint,
throughout the sixty years he worked as an Independent Direct Voice medium
- either in private sittings, with groups of friends or at large public demonstrations.
Flint was interviewed for television and radio numerous times
and he had many friends around the world.
Here are the testimonials from just a few of those who knew Flint and had experienced his séances.
Researcher Alan Crossley writes of attending
a unique public séance in London, facilitated by Leslie Flint.
Medium James Van Praagh speaks about meeting
Leslie Flint in the USA in the 1980s
Marion Dampier-Jeans shares her personal memories of spirit communications during séances with Leslie Flint.
Robin Evans shares details of four successful Leslie Flint séances that he attended with his wife Wendy.
(audios included)
Spiritualist Paul Buckley recalls attending a Leslie Flint séance
in October 1987.
Did you know Leslie Flint?
Or did you attend his séances?
We would be glad to hear from anyone who can share their recollections.
Please contact us by email