The Leslie Flint Trust
Promoting the legacy and archive of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint

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Frédéric Chopin communicates
Frédéric François Chopin became a regular communicator
at many Leslie Flint séances.
The spirit voice of the composer was first recorded
during a test seance in 1953.
This led to many more communications over the next 30 years.
He was particularly keen to converse with a sitter named Rose Creet,
who he affectionately calls 'Rosa.'
Frédéric discusses many subjects in these recordings
- including details of his music, his early death,
his family and friendships in life.
Frédéric also shares recollections of his earlier lifetimes and his
current understanding of the continuation of life in the next world.
Recorded: 1953 [Date unknown]
Note: This short audio is an extract from a longer recording.
Recorded: February 19th 1954
Note: This enhanced audio is a short extract from a longer recording.
Recorded: March 5th 1954
Frédéric speaks at the very end of this experimental sitting,
as part of a group communication between Mickey, Florenz Ziegfeld and Jock.
Together they talk about life on different planes of existence...
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: February 25th 1955
Talking with Rose Creet and Leslie Rowlingson,
Frédéric discusses the spirituality of music and explains that opening the heart
to beautiful music is true communion with the spirit.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some electrical hum remains.
Recorded: May 19th 1955
Frédéric speaks to Rose about the inspiration of music and how love
can help to bridge the gap between this world and the spiritual world.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: July 7th 1955
Frédéric talks about contemporary books about his life,
about those who play his music and his friendship with Felix Mendelssohn.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some electrical hum remains.
Recorded: August 24th 1955
Dr. Charles Marshall and Frédéric Chopin speak to Rose Creet and Leslie Rowlingson
about about their experiments in spirit photography
and a helpful 'young psychic' with 'incredible abilities'.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: October 17th 1955
Recorded on Frédéric's anniversary,
Mrs Rose Creet congratulates him on his 'spiritual birthday'
and Frédéric talks about the end of his life and his death
and how he was greeted in the Spirit World by the sound of music.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: December 22nd 1955
Frédéric tries to explain to Rose
the process of life entering a new body before birth,
in this short extract from a private séance.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: February 24th 1956
Dr Charles Marshall and Frédéric Chopin discuss a piano recital
attended by Rose Creet and Leslie Flint,
in which the pianist was influenced by Frédéric.
Note: This enhanced audio is a composite of extracts from a longer recording.
Recorded: March 26th 1956
Frédéric explains that spirits can assume many different forms
and mentions a psychic experiment
at Valldemossa monastery.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: May 7th 1956
Frédéric talks about those who write about him
and discusses the limitations of the piano.
He also explains that although he lives alone in the Afterlife,
he is mentally linked with many people.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: November 26th 1956
Frédéric talks about the development of his musical talent
and of his recollections from earlier lifetimes.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: February 2nd 1959
Frédéric speaks to Rose on philosophical matters in this short recording.
He explains that our true strengths come from within,
the divine source is eternal and music is universal.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: March 23rd 1959
Frédéric refers to an earlier séance with Florenz Ziegfeld,
then he tells Rose that instruments are not always needed in the next world,
because music can be transmitted from the soul of the musician.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: December 19th 1959
Speaking to George Woods and Betty Greene
Frédéric shares his memories of his own death and his first impressions of the Afterlife,
then talks about his interest in reincarnation and the importance of the piano in his work.
Recorded: June 2nd 1960
Frédéric explains to Rose that the fear of death limits so many people from progressing
and that love conquers all, which will never change.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: December 17th 1962
Frédéric speaks of how the spirit animates the body,
and the power behind artistic expression,
then responds to questions about his previous lifetimes.
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: April 1st 1963
Rose Creet speaks briefly with Mickey and then to Frédéric,
who talks about people who arrive in the Spirit World
and different incidents from his own life on Earth...
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: May 19th 1963
Rose Creet speaks with Mickey for a short time
and then to Frédéric, who tells her,
"sometimes your thoughts reach me quicker than your words."
Rudolph Valentino is also mentioned...
Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, some audio interference remains.
Recorded: Thursday, April 30th 1970
Ida and Louise Cook hear first from Mickey, then Frédéric communicates.
The French novelist George Sand shares a few words,
we hear some voices in another language,
and finally Alexandre Dumas communicates.