The Leslie Flint Trust
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The Mrs. Stella 'Patrick' Campbell séance
Recorded: May 26th 1972
“I have a strong sense of humour
and being dead, it's very essential !”
In this unique recording, the Edwardian stage actress
Mrs Beatrice Rose Stella 'Patrick' Campbell
speaks to Ida Cook and Louise Cook about her love of animals
and her relief in finding that animals survive death.
She explains her efforts to reproduce her Earthly voice,
for those who would doubt her identity -
as recommended to her by George Bernard Shaw.
Then she shares her own philosophy and gives lots of advice to the
Cook sisters on their own efforts to develop Spirit communication,
adding that their group is like an 'oasis in the desert'
for people on both sides of life.
Note: Although this vintage audio has been enhanced, the mechanical sound of the recorder can still be heard.
Read the full transcript below, as you listen...
Ida Cook, Louise Cook, Leslie Flint.
Mrs Stella Campbell, Mickey.
Mrs Campbell:
I do not know if you can hear?
Oh yes, marvellous...
Oh yes...You've got wonderful projection.
Hold on...
Mrs Campbell:
I have wanted to come to talk to you...
Mrs Campbell:
...for quite a long time.
We are very pleased...
Hold on...
[The Cook sisters talk between themselves]
Mrs Campbell:
Extraordinary business coming to talk to you in this fashion. Can you hear me?
We can.
You're very good indeed.
Bless you and thank you for coming.
Mrs Campbell:
Extraordinary. If anyone had told me that I could come and speak to you in this fashion I would not have believed it.
We understand, yes.
Mrs Campbell:
Although I had several friends who were Spiritualists.
Mrs Campbell:
I was interested to a point...
Were you?
Mrs Campbell:
...but I never myself had any practical experience and as far as my memory serves me I have no recollection of ever having sat in a séance.
No, no...
Mrs Campbell:
And some of my not so kind friends, in my latter years, said that I would have made a very good medium.
Mrs Campbell:
But I don’t think somehow, I looked anything like a medium.
No I don't believe you did.
Mrs Campbell:
Not, certainly like some of the mediums that I have visited since I've been, so-called, 'dead.'
Oh yes...?
Mrs Campbell:
...and frankly some of those that I visited out of curiosity more than anything else, I wouldn’t be seen dead in their company...
Mrs Campbell:
But I am quite sure that they don’t see very much or hear very much and certainly they haven’t seen me, thank goodness. I have been able to avoid them.
You still have a very trenchant way of speaking.
Mrs Campbell:
I have a strong sense of humour and being dead, it's very essential, otherwise you would never cope.
Ida Cook:
No, no...
Mrs Campbell:
The greatest joy that I have had since coming over here is to know that animals...
Mrs Campbell:
Ida Cook:
Mrs Campbell:
To me there would be no paradise, no happiness, no joy without my Pekes.
Oh of course, I remember...
Oh, how right you are.
Mrs Campbell:
Many a time on Earth, I refused to stay with friends or even in hotels, because they wouldn’t allow the Pekinese or at least they showed some resentment towards them. And how any human being could show resentment to a poor, dumb creature I don’t know.
No, no quite.
Mrs Campbell:
You write books I’m told.
I do.
Mrs Campbell:
I understand from Shaw, that you are a writer of sorts.
Of sorts, yes. Novels.
Mrs Campbell:
Mrs Campbell:
Well, a novel can be a work of art.
I don’t think I'd say they're works of art.
Mrs Campbell:
Well, shall we assume that they are?
Oh that’s nice.
Mrs Campbell:
...make the whole situation so much more pleasant.
Yes alright.
We will, we will...very much.
Mrs Campbell:
[Whispering] May I confide in you?
Yes. Yes you can.
Mrs Campbell:
I'm really asserting myself more for your sakes than anything else, because I can quite appreciate that people on your side of life...quite rightly and naturally would be very critical when they come to listen to this...recording, or whatever it is you call it and say 'well is that so and so or isn’t it?'
Mrs Campbell:
And if I assert myself...and try to reproduce, as memory serves me, something of my old self and personality...then it would be more acceptable to them...
Mrs Campbell:
...but I have changed.
Ah yes, I am sure we all do...
Mrs Campbell:
I do this deliberately because Shaw told me to...You know Shaw has told, not only me, but other souls how important it is, when you communicate, to try to assert yourself so that as far as it is possible, you can be recognisable to those on the personality that once you were, even though you may have changed since then.
So if I am doing this in this way it is not just for your benefit, but for the benefit of any soul on your side who is seeking truth and seeking evidence of survival of personality - but I am endeavouring to assert mine. From this point of view only I can assure you that I have changed, as indeed must we all change eventually for the better.
Yes, of course.
Mrs Campbell:
Although I must say I know that I could have been and was considered a very difficult person, but nevertheless, I had my good points.
I’m sure...
Mrs Campbell:
And my love for animals was the key that unlocked the door for me...
Mrs Campbell:
...and I think that if people in your world were to realise this truth, which is an aspect of many truths...that that which we do, not only unto others, but particularly to those who are in no position to defend themselves and who depend so much on our kindliness and consideration.
If we consider the dumb creatures...the so called 'less fortunate' creatures, then surely this is a key that will unlock many doors. The doors of love...of tolerance and well-being, making our path more sure, and more towards that goal which we all aspire.
Yes. Yes.
Mrs Campbell:
...the oneness with the eternal. I cannot bear cruelty to poor dumb creatures.
No. It does happen so much.
Mrs Campbell:
So many people do not give them credit, for the wonderful intelligence that they have and the sensitivity. You know, animals can see and hear far more than the human being when on Earth.
I believe that.
Mrs Campbell:
My little dogs were very sensitive and they suffered, in their own fashion, as we suffer. That is why we must, at all times, care for them...Man has lost to some extent the path because he has gone too far in the opposite direction away from nature, away from the sensitivity that the animal kingdom still has.
How very right you are.
Mrs Campbell:
I have been to your séances.
Have you really?
Mrs Campbell:
I have not spoken of course, but I have been brought there by various souls at different times and your little group is oasis in the desert of your world...
Oh, how lovely to hear.
Mrs Campbell:
...from both sides of life.
Perhaps there are times when you may feel disheartened or if not exactly discontented, wondering how you are progressing. Sometimes it is human and natural to feel like this that you sit, as you call it, week in and week out...year in and year out...and very little seems to be happening.
It is true there is one young man there who has a remarkable, what you call mediumship, which is beginning to show excellent signs of development. But you know, Shaw and others who have been to your group, have great hope that one day we shall be able to come and speak to you as I am speaking now.
How wonderful !
Mrs Campbell:
This is, I understand, the real purpose and intent of your group.
We hope...
Mrs Campbell:
Your hope for it and they are convinced that, eventually it shall come. But of course, evidently, these things do take often many years.
Yes, and we all only want to serve, certainly.
Mrs Campbell:
Service, real service, is the key or one of the many keys that unlock doors that lead to spiritual awareness and consciousness and unfoldment. There are many of aspects of this great truth, and it’s only now that I’m beginning to realise the greatness possibility - not only for myself but for untold numbers of other souls. If only we could break down the barriers between your world and ours...we could bring into your world a great revelation of truth.
Man would change in consequence and the world would find harmony and peace and love and tranquillity and brotherhood. We have such faith, but we do realise how much we need suitable instruments...who will make this possible. That is why your group is so important that it can open the door for many. Don’t lose heart.
Oh no we wont dear, we won't.
Mrs Campbell:
You know sometimes when we come to you, we stand there, waiting patiently...and we hope for so much and we too have a sense sometimes of disappointment just as you must. In a sense perhaps it is more difficult for us than for you.
Oh...yes I’m sure...
Mrs Campbell:
All that you can do is to sit patiently, in reverence and in harmony, hoping and praying that the time is not far distant when we shall succeed in that which we have undertaken together. But at the same time, it is we on this side who have so much to do.
Yes...So complex.
Mrs Campbell:
There are those whose task it is to work in a scientific, I suppose kind of way, to make it possible. There are those whose task it is to build, as they term it, from the ectoplasm or the substance which is used, which is taken from the instrument or the medium and indeed from the rest of the circle...
Mrs Campbell:
...we can all make a contribution - and utilising this power, as they say, so that it can be used, moulded...manufacturing I suppose is not the word, but it's the only word that I can think of to make what is a replica of the vocal organs necessary for speech. So that we can eventually speak to you, vibrating your atmosphere, speaking to you as best we may and endeavouring to reassert our true selves so that we shall be heard and bring conviction and evidence into your world. This is our hope and our prayer, as it is yours.
Yes, my dear.
Mrs Campbell:
But you know, if it were possible for you to visualise, to see with a clarity of vision, innumerable souls; souls without number, who come who stand around bringing such love, such tremendous love to you. Many of them you know not, others you know well - old friends, relations, guides, a number...a number of souls who you know not...who are attracted by the beauty of the radiance of the spirit that emanates, that glows in the darkness of your world; a creation of your own thoughts and personalities.
You see when you sit together it is as if you are blended, as indeed you are; your auras becoming interwoven as one - and it is if it were a light encompasses you...and it is an attraction to many souls on this side.
And of course, although there are those who have a prior claim, there are many who are drawn and attracted. Some who perhaps are very near the Earth, but they stand around in wonderment. They are not permitted to communicate, it is true, but nevertheless they are helped by being present and though you may not perhaps realise this, in your own way, though you have no real knowledge of it, you are helping them. Because your guides and your friends, seeing them there, help them and when they depart they go with them and they are helped and uplifted and brought out of the darkness of their own souls, into a greater realisation of the purpose of life.
They’re taken, as it were, out of the astral into the light of the true spirit.
Oh yes.
Mrs Campbell:
...and you see, you are doing more than you know. Whether [either of you] are sitting there with the object or the desire of communicating with souls who will come to uplift, to instruct, to guide...but also you are, to some extent, encouraging others less fortunate, who are blessed by your thoughts and your prayers; who are shown the path and guidance out of the darkness into the light. Remember this too [unintelligible].
I think...I think it must be extremely difficult for people on your side to grasp the true meaning and the true reality of spirit. Even those who claim to be [unintelligible] and have some knowledge and experience through communication, do not - many of them I’m sure - grasp the full purpose and meaning and intent of our communing together. There are so many who are contented to stay on the plane which is not very far removed from Earth itself...
No, quite.
Mrs Campbell:
and this is the tragedy of Spiritualism I understand. Whether you go to this society, or church or meeting house or even to this or that circle, it is extraordinary the number of peoples who should know better. They are contented together to scratch at the surface and not delve deeply for that which is hidden underneath. Many are content with a façade and [do] not look for the substance.
Mrs Campbell:
You are thinking of substance of spirit; the reality of spirit, the strength and the power of the spirit and this is what is so important. I know and I have listened to many over here who have discussed this at great length, who have made a habit and a point of going to this and that medium and this and that church, in the hope that they could in some measure, uplift and inspire - and give them a greater realisation of the meaning and purpose of the work of the spirit. But often it has been impossible to [unintelligible] people.
That is why it is so vital, so important, that the higher aspirations of your circle - and any circle - it must be to contact the realms of spirit in all their beauty and all their glory, but only those who come with the true message of spirit, who can give the truth and the upliftment and give this glorious realisation of what it means to be a real Spiritualist...with the accent on the 'spiritual' - there's so little accent, in the Spiritualist Movement, on the spiritual.
Indeed, from what I have gathered myself and experienced, so much is of the material and the astral. And it was a joy to come to you, because I know from the experience that I've had in your little group, a new tentative purpose, a reality of purpose. This is what counts, this is what matters. We must always aspire to all that is good and within the process of our reaching out to others, we must remember the less fortunate and give to them all that we may, of comfort and help...give to them our strength that they too may become strong, so that they too may lead others out of the darkness into the light.
Shaw has very much that he wants to convey to the world...and I am sure that eventually he will do this.
I am convinced that he has a message, in which - if it can be received and taken down - will be a great inspiration, a great strength, which will help many to build on a sure rock, an edifice.
I wonder ?
Mrs Campbell:
You know, [unintelligible] one could mention great souls who are waiting for the opportunity of finding the right instrument or the right circle, whereby they would be permitted and be able to come and give forth, not only a great message for the world, but they could give of themselves in such a way, that they could add to the structure such a strength and such a power, that there shall be none in your world who could deny the reality and the truth of communing [with us].
The door has been opened in various ways...there are those in your world who shall write the words of the spirit. There are those in your world who shall hear the music of the spheres - and it shall come through the instrumentality of individuals who are able to take down and it shall be recorded. There are those in this world of ours who can write, in such a way that plays shall be given and be shall be an illustration to your world of the reality of the spirit.
There are many, many ways in which we can serve. And we shall serve and each one shall serve, in the way which best for him or for her. You shall serve, you shall work for the spirit, you [shall] be able to do many things and your circle shall be greatly blessed [unintelligible]. So do not...I mean, sometimes it is human to doubt or perhaps to be disconsolate or to feel that perhaps you are not achieving very much. These are human frailties and [unintelligible] - these are things that must happen, even to us.
When we are striving hard, we feel sometimes as you feel, this is partly due of course to the fact that while we are attempting to communicate with Earth, to some extent, obviously working in material thought and conditions.
Yes, quite.
Mrs Campbell:
So we take upon, temporarily of course, something of the old self, something of yourself, something of the Earth. But I can assure you that where there is faith and the power of the holy spirit, all things are possible. Nothing is impossible to the power of the spirit and that is why I am confident as I speak to you, not only for myself, but for untold numbers of souls who stand all around and about us. But we shall succeed in that which we have undertaken, for that which we bring you is greater than ourselves.
We are but the humble instruments of a greater power. Know this and [unintelligible] know that all things with God are possible. We cannot and we shall not fail. We see it in your world, the great need of knowing. We've seen the great travailing in which man [unintelligible], which he himself in his [unintelligible] and foolishness has created. But we know that as man creates, to [unintelligible], so he can create through the power of knowledge and truth and love.
And in consequence he shall change the world with [unintelligible] on these things that are good, that are eternal, that nothing can wipe away. We shall work together for this common good of man and in some measure we shall have success.
Mrs Campbell:
We cannot expect or hope for a great deal, perhaps, too soon, but we [unintelligible] slowly but surely towards the goal that was set. And so my friends, we are all playing our part in this great scheme of life. It may seem to you like a jigsaw puzzle, of which you have a little piece here...
Mrs Campbell:
...and a little piece there, and you cannot see the completed picture. But your little part [unintelligible] and play a very important part to the whole. Therefore be patient and know that we are with you, and that we work with you and for you and for the world. Our love and our blessings be upon you always and I hope, in attempting to assert myself in the beginning of my little talk to you, it may have some meaning or give some proof of some kind to those who may listen.
Cook:'s recorded.
Mrs Campbell:
Yet it matters not in the face of it. But we are anxious to convince your world...we do what we can.
My blessings and the blessing of ALL of us here, now and always. Goodbye.
Goodbye. Thank you.
'Course she did her best. She asserted herself...
She's wonderful...
Mickey: know, she has a great intensity, and, well she was an actress and all that, and she feels very strongly.
Anyway I'll see you girls when...when she comes back won't I?
Yes, indeed...
My love and blessings and I’ll come and see you occasionally in your circle...bye-bye and love to all of them, bye-bye.
Goodbye dear.
Bye-bye dear.
Louise Cook:
Goodbye dear.
This transcript was created for the Trust by Karyn Jarvie - July 2017