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Dinshaw Nanji (1900 - 1985)
with his wife Annie Nanji (1912 - 1966)

Mrs Annie Nanji communicates

Recorded: 1970-1972

Between 1970 and 1984, retired doctor of chemistry,

Dr Dinshaw R. Nanji of Birmingham University

visited London twice a year from his home in Sweden,

for private sittings with Leslie Flint.


Almost every sitting was a success

and he was fortunate to have many direct communications

with his wife Annie Ottilia Nanji, who had died in 1966.


Here are some of the remarkably clear,

and sometimes very personal recordings,

from those years...

Recorded: Thursday October 22nd 1970

Leslie Flint encourages Dr Nanji when he hears a whispering spirit voice
and an excited and emotional Annie begins to communicate with her husband for the very first time.

She expresses her love for him and reassures him they are 'together a lot' and 'never separated'.

They discuss the spirit portraits, created by Coral Polge, of Annie and their two children, who died,
and they talk about Dino's links with India.

Mickey returns and tells Dino that Annie wants him to know that
'her love will always surmount all diffculties and that the time will come when you will be together'.

He concludes by saying, 'Nothing could ever come between you and she'.

Recorded: Friday October 23rd 1970

Recorded: Wednesday April 28th 1971

Recorded: Friday April 30th 1971

In this recording,
Annie and Dino discuss ways in which they might be able to communicate in the home.
Annie gives Dino some information to share with an old friend,
and Dino asks Annie to help him remember their dream visits together.

Annie tells him about her little house by the lake in the Spirit World,
and she thanks him for the flowers that he recently planted on her grave,
then Annie asks if Dino can feel when she puts her hand in his...

Recorded: Monday May 3rd 1971

Mickey explains why he enjoys the conversations between Dino and Annie.

Annie refers to an unidentied item that Dino has returned to Harrods Department Store in London, but tells him that material things are not as important as the love they share.

Annie suggests that Dino should try to capture her voice on a home tape recorder,
then urges him to connect with a friend whose husband has passed,
so he can reassure her that life continues.

Finally, Annie expresses her love for Dino and tells him that 'together they will always be'.

Recorded: Wednesday July 14th 1971

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not up to modern standards.
With grateful thanks to Tom Kerr.

Recorded: Friday July 16th 1971

Annie complains that Dino has to travel all the way to London for them to talk to each other,
then they talk about experimenting with direct communication in the home.

They talk about being together during dream visits and why Annie had to die first.

Annie says she was with him in Kensington while he was shopping, then asks about the diamond he is selling. She asks about the lock of hair in his pocket, which he takes everywhere with him.

She says that their love can make all things possible and that since she has been gone they have reached a spiritual level of understanding together that may not have been possible if she had she lived.

Annie thanks her husband for the care he takes over her grave
and describes their love as 'the perfect love, the lasting love and the eternal love'.

Recorded: Tuesday July 20th 1971

A varied recording, where other communicators try to speak.

Annie suggests that Dino starts a Spiritualist group in Sweden. Dino talks about visiting Annie's family and his plans to arrange for the maintenance of their joint grave after his death.

Recorded: Wednesday October 6th 1971

Annie talks of the possibility of spirit communication at home
by impressing sound onto tape - without a microphone.

Dino and Annie recall the romantic times they shared;
like watching the swans in Hyde Park and visiting various public gardens.

Dino insists that he still cannot part with Annie’s things
and Annie suggests he finds a medium in Sweden.

Recorded: Wednesday May 3rd 1972

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not to modern standards.
With grateful thanks to Tom Kerr.

Recorded: Friday May 5th 1972

Mickey talks with Dino at first, then Annie comes through to talk with her husband.
They discuss his travel plans and remember their happy times together on Earth.

Annie then discusses reincarnation and the different previous lives they shared together
- including a link with the Borgia family of Italy during the 15th century.

Annie asks when will her husband retire and he mentions the help he receives from spiritual healer Ted Fricker. Then they discuss the vast libraries available in the Spirit World and Annie's progress there.

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not to modern standards.
With grateful thanks to Tom Kerr.

Recorded: Saturday May 6th 1972

Mickey says there are many others who would like to communicate,
but Dino only wants to speak to his wife Annie.

Annie speaks about the mental health of some who arrive in the Spirit World
and the effect that negativity can have on the mind, the body,
the animal kingdom and on the Earth itself.

She suggests that people like Adolf Hitler should have been removed, like one would remove a cancer, and explains how she wants to share her experience with Dino
to try and help him and others who may listen later.

Then Annie tells Dino that advanced souls are neither male nor female
and that some people on Earth can be something in between.

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not to modern standards.

Recorded: Monday May 8th 1972

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not to modern standards.
With grateful thanks to Tom Kerr.

Recorded: Thursday July 13th 1972

Note: This audio has been enhanced from a poor quality copy and is not to modern standards.

Recorded: Tuesday July 18th 1972

Recorded: Wednesday July 19th 1972

Recorded: Thursday July 20th 1972

Recorded: Monday July 24th 1972

The Leslie Flint Educational Trust was created to preserve, record, authenticate and

promote the work of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint.

The Trust is a non-profit making organisation with representatives in the UK and USA.

This website is only made possible by public donations.

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Our grateful thanks to everyone who supports us.

'The Leslie Flint Trust' is the working name of The Leslie Flint Educational Trust,

which was gifted the sole copyright to all of Leslie Flint's written, photographic and recorded work.

Please seek permission from the Trust before using any of this material (more information) © 1997-2025 

This website was created and is maintained for the Trust by K.Jackson-Barnes.

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