The Leslie Flint Trust
Promoting the legacy and archive of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint
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Brother Francis communicates
Recorded: Monday, February 18th, 1963
“How often is the spirit reborn into a new body?”
In this highly spiritual communication,
Rose Creet hears from Brother Francis of Assisi.
He understands that many will not believe in his identity,
but he hopes his words will at least bring some light into our hearts.
We learn his views on rebirth, in both the material and spiritual senses, and he shares an insight into an earlier connection with the medium.
The healing energy generated at the time this recording was made,
created an audible sound, which is commented on by those present.
Note: This vintage recording has been enhanced for clarity
Read the full transcript below as you listen to the recording...
Present: Leslie Flint. Rose Creet.
Communicators: Francis, Mickey.
Gwen Vaughan:
The following seance was recorded on February 18th, 1963. Medium, Leslie Flint. Sitter, Rose Creet. Communicator, St. Francis of Assisi.
This seance was recorded on the 18th of February, 1963. Medium, Leslie Flint.
I think that's Francis again.
It's possible.
It is I, Francis.
Ah, yes, Francis, this is wonderful.
No doubt, my child...
Francis: are wondering why it is that I come now so often to you.
[Coughing] Oh dear. Sorry.
I am wondering, Francis, because I've been told that you don't very often come down to the Earth.
I seldom manifest in a personal sense. For centuries of Earthly time, it is true, I have manifested my love and my power to benefit mankind in any possible way that I could. But latterly, as you term your Earthly time, I have been drawn more closely to the Earth, because I feel the needs of the Earth are many. Possibly at this time, greater is the need and in consequence, greater is my desire to serve. You may wonder why it should be that I should be particularly drawn here...
...and perhaps to yourself in particular. I would like, if I may, to clarify this situation which has arisen.
...and full of the desire for explanation.
Yes, please.
I do not come merely to give to you my love, my power and the healing. I come because I know that through the manifestation of this instrument's powers, I may be able to reach many peoples, if not now, at some later time.
I come because I know that you have such faith, such trust, and such a desire to see the power of the instrument I use, used in such a way that the work of the spirit may be, in consequence, forwarded.
In other words child, though it is my natural inclination and desire to serve and to help you, through you I may reach many peoples. For by your love and your patience and your understanding, you helped to create an atmosphere and condition that is conducive; not only for my return through this instrument, but conducive in such a way that I may be enabled to speak to many peoples.
I do not have to tell you these things which, in some sense, must be apparent; that all we on this side of life who have progressed, have progressed - not only by our own efforts and our own sacrifices, not only have we progressed through all our own experiences, possibly in many lives beyond that - but we have become ennobled, we have have become spiritually wise, we have become spiritually 'enlarged' by the ministry and the efforts and the sacrifices of others.
For do we not all live by one another? Do we not, by sharing each other's sorrows and experiences, do we not by these things learn and by these things grow? And when we have forgotten ourselves in true service, when we have, as it were, become one with others, then truly have we started on the road of spiritual progression and have begun to find ourselves in consequence?
Many years the instrument that I now speak through has served humanity. But there is a wider field of activity and a greater urging of the spirit, to unleash itself upon the world through the instrument I now use. Of course, I am only too conscious of the fact that there will be many in your world who, having listened to these things, will not be convinced. How could it be otherwise?
For those who are steeped in the material conditions of your world, who cannot perceive the truth of the spirit endeavouring to break through the darkness of their minds, they cannot understand nor appreciate. There will be all manner of arguments put forward, as indeed through all history has man brought forth arguments against truth - and yet, in spite it all, truth prevails.
I look back on my own Earthly existence, best known to humanity as Francis. I remember only too well how my own people turned against me, because for the first time I saw the glimmering of truth, and I stood fast by it, and in consequence renounced the world. And those whom I loved most dear, understood the least.
And so it has always been, that those who shall serve truth shall suffer most. They shall lose all, possibly, that the world may seem to offer. And even in their search for greater knowledge and truth and finding out the path of God's wisdom, they shall still suffer greatly. For all those who are prepared to follow in search of God's wisdom and God's will and purpose shall find, not friends, but enemies.
They shall find among the peoples of the earth great distress and great unhappiness. And great shall be the burdens that they shall be called upon to carry. And the greater the illumination and the knowledge that they may possess, the more difficult should it become to be understood and recognised. All manner of arguments may be put up, by peoples in your world, against that which I speak.
And yet I say to you and to all those who may listen to my voice, it matters in a sense not, whether you accept me as I am in name, but rather accept the spirit in which I come. Accept the message that I give. Expect only that I should bring to you such illumination to your hearts and your minds as you will allow me to give.
For if you shutter your window against me, somewhere maybe, a chink of my light shall pierce the curtains of your room and the darkness therein shall be illumined in part. I would say to you who believe not; realise if you can, the immensity of life, the immensity of the purpose of life, realise that you are not what you seem on the surface.
You who know yourselves, or think you know yourselves, realise that you truly are a spiritual being, even if it seems that you are not, by your actions and your thoughts and by the very conditions under which you live and exist. If you say to me, 'I cannot see', it is because you yourself can only see that part of you that is of the Earth.
But that which sees deep within yourself, that glimmering of light which is of the spirit, which is so diminished and yet still flickers; that part of you can be brought forth to illumine the whole of your nature and you can be so changed in consequence, that you shall be truly reborn again. Christ said, 'To enter the kingdom of heaven, he must be reborn.'
Rebirth: how often is the spirit reborn into a new body, given a new expression of life; for a brief time a man? Until such time as he has learnt, through endless time and countless conditions of life, he becomes so spiritually conscious and aware that he is truly reborn - not again into the material world of flesh, but reborn in a spiritual body of grace and beauty, far removed from Earthly man's conception.
When we who come to you to depict and describe the things of the spirit, strive though we may and do, it is difficult. How can one paint with artificial colourings of your world, the rarity and the beauty and the purity of colours of a spiritual world. You cannot transform into Earthly ways, the things that truly are of the spirit. But nevertheless we endeavour.
We do not come just to lift you out of the darkness for a moment, to see you cast down again into the darkness. We strive with you and we work with you and we never cease in our loving labours on your behalf.
There are those who have started on the road of spiritual progression, and for some reason or another, they have turned their back upon truth. They have become disheartened, dissatisfied for some reason best known to themselves, and often a selfish one. Some feel that to become truly aware of spiritual grace, it means too much sacrifice, too much is expected, and they content themselves to be, as it were, merely upon the surface.
They have not the strength, perhaps, within themselves to dig deeply and to find that gold that is hidden deep down. So many, as you know, who profess these truths, have but a small aspect of it. They have only seen a fraction and they are not prepared to go further.
When I come into your world and I see the many, many peoples who profess to follow the master Jesus, I was sad. Because I realise that they have not seen him, they have not seen his true worth - they have not realised that loving him and following in his footsteps, places upon themselves a great responsibility.
And if they hope for redemption and if they hope in consequence, for what you term salvation, they cannot hope to find it while remaining, as they so often do, materialists. Material Christians, there are many. Spiritual Christians are few. And as I come and I speak to you on these things, I would have you realise that, in my enlightened state, I realise that all the prophets and the great ones who carried the torch of spiritual illumination in your world in their day, were all Christs - in as much that they were serving God and they were expressing, in their own fashion and in their own way, their particular aspect of his wisdom.
For it is not given to one man to have all knowledge. It is not given to one man to know all things. It is not given to one man to have all power and all glory. For these things of which we speak, the glories of the spirit...
[Loud 'crack' sound]
...are in themselves so tremendous, so powerful, that there is no possibility that in the Earth, that any human being, no matter how highly evolved he may be, is sufficiently able to express one millionth part of God's wisdom and purpose.
And so it is that I and others like unto myself, come to you. And in our own small way endeavour to break through and give to you and others like unto you, a glimmer of the truth. It is as if we throw a pebble into the sea, and there from the centre, ripples come, and they gradually expand and go outwards and are lost. We come to give to you as much as we are able.
We are conscious of the immensity of our task, and if we can attract your attention sufficiently; to arouse you to the point when you can truly become enlightened and become indeed truly a servant in the highest sense, then indeed have we achieved much.
The instrument that I use, I have known for many years of your Earthly time. Not only in this present incarnation, but in others - as indeed I have known you also, and many others.
There are those in your world who cannot understand the immensity of this tremendous truth, in which we as brothers and sisters go, if not always hand-in-hand, through many existences. But nevertheless, if our hands are not joined in this incarnation or in that, eventually we are so drawn together that we clasp each other in warmth and love to ourselves.
There may be moments when we seem far apart. There may be moments when it seems that we come together and then drift apart. But eventually, when all our journeyings are done, and all our experiences gained that the Earth can give us, when we have befitted ourselves in love, and by love and through love, in such a strength that we are truly joined as brothers, when we have cast off the shackles for the last time, the Earthly bonds, when we see each other for the first time as we truly are, then do we know that our Earthly tasks are finished and our spiritual work in a spiritual plane begins.
But in all these existences, sometimes without realising it, we have manifested the will of God. We have manifested the power of the spirit. We have grown by each other and through each other and, in consequence, we have become part of the complete. Those whom you know and whom you love, they who have been much to you and are still, they draw with me close beside you.
They watch over you and they guide you. They bring to you the breath of life, which is eternal, and they give you the strength that cannot pass away. They give you the beauty of the spheres and the joy of eternal youth and they give you that which is forever young; that beauty which passeth all known understanding - for it is the beauty of the spheres, it is the beauty of life eternal.
There is no old age, there is nothing to fret or mar in the realms of spiritual awareness - for here, all is perfect. And in this perfection of spirit, all things become real and possible. All the sorrows of the past are forgotten and all the hopes that are realised, and all the dreams are fulfilled. In the realms of the eternal life, truly are we dwelling in peace, in harmony and in love.
And those who have finish their tasks upon Earth, see for the first time, the realities of true life. And those who suffered greatly, suffer no more, but rejoice in health of the spiritual kind, undreamed of by those who tread the paths of the Earth.
I could say unto you who may listen to my voice, many things. And in due time, no doubt, shall be enabled to so do. But do not be distressed if, in your present state, you cannot understand or cannot accept that which I give. For it may well be that you are not yet prepared. It may well be, that for reasons which are not necessarily your fault, you do not even desire to know. But listen and learn, if you can. Keep open your hearts and your minds. Cut yourself free from the shackles, if you can, that bind you and realise that these things have come to you from the realms of the spirit.
We who come to these truths, no longer bow to powers and principalities, to creeds nor dogmas. We who come to you are freed of all the things that hold you fast. And if, gradually, we can unloosen the chains that bind you, it is our joy to so do. Be not distressed, if you cannot yet accept or believe. I realise the predicament and the difficulty that you must find yourselves in.
But I say to you all; the time should surely come when you shall begin to see the great truth the great realisation of God's love, when you shall begin to perceive the possibilities of freedom, far beyond your wildest dreams at this moment, when you shall perceive that the power of the spirit, which at one time you would not have thought possible, will become a reality in consequence.
For where there is such love, as is poured to you from the realms of the spirit, nothing is impossible. All the fetters that bind you and the chains can be broken. Do not distress yourselves. Whatever state you may find yourself, whatever the oppression may be that bows your head, whatever load you may carry that makes you feel weakened; know that with love, all things become possible.
If we can take from you, if you will allow us so to do, the burdens that you carry, we can bring you a renewed strength, not only of body and of mind, but of spirit. We can give to you the staff of life, that will mean that you can go free on the road of progression towards the light. Do not doubt that we are there, at all hours, at all times.
Call upon us when you need us, and we shall come to you. Ask what you will of us and we will answer your questions. But remember at all times, whatever we say, whatever we do, is through the love and the power of the Holy Spirit, that gives us this ability to so do the will of the Most High.
We are but servants, even as you. Remember; to serve is to live, and to live is to learn, and to learn is to be free, and to be free means, truly that your spirit will wing forth out of the darkness, like a bird in flight into the new world, where all is illumination. You shall then find that peace which comes to those who seek freedom, who seek love, who seek peace.
All that we give is in love and in peace. May the blessings of the Almighty Spirit be upon you. May it so descend upon you that you shall feel invigorated in body and in mind and in spirit, to so do his work among those of his children that you are called upon to be with. To serve and to help and to guide, to do the will of the Master, is his desire. And I so do at his command for his children. My peace, my love, be with you all. Now and always. Farewell.
Farewell Francis. Thank you very, very much. And I hope you will teach me, all of us, a great deal more later.
[Sighs] I don't know what that enormous bang was, do you?
I don't know what it was.
Made me jump. Terrific bang, wasn't it?
Yes. I hope the...what-do-you-call it is alright?
The mike's alright and the recorder's alright.
I won't put the light on yet.
No, no. For heaven's sake don't, no.
You must expect some extraordinary things very soon Rosie, from what I can make out of it.
Things are well on the way, love.
What? Is it really?
What was that?
Francis was lovely today, wasn't he?
Oh, yes. Wonderful. Uh, but Mickey, what was that loud noise?
Oh, that's the power being used. Ha! I wish they wouldn't do it when they're speaking, but I suppose they didn't realise. But, they're bound to do some experiments and don't be surprised if you see things.
Oh, no.
And I think it might be a good idea, I don't know what the others think, if we start with your camera again, in case you can get something in your camera.
So you'd better ask the others. You'd better not take me for gospel, because, aha, I've only got me own ideas. But anyway, it's marvellous tonight; the power and the conditions. Everything's been smashing. Anyway... and the healing you've been getting the pair of you, is... oh blimey! You ought to be running around like two-year-olds.
Well, bye-bye.
Bye-bye darling.
Oh, wonderful! [Laughing]
I wonder what the noise was. Well they...he didn't exactly say, did he though?
This transcript was kindly created for the Trust by Jose Bas Filho - March 2018.
The recording was digitised by Jack Terrence Andrews in February 2008, from the original master tape used in 1963.