The Leslie Flint Trust
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Brother Boniface communicates
Recorded: January 1964
“You are not alone in your world...”
Centuries ago Brother Boniface was a Benedictine monk,
at the mediaeval Abbey of Bury St Edmunds in England.
He did not blindly accept all the teachings of the Catholic Church,
and sometimes even doubted its authority, but he felt led by a higher power.
Boniface gives his support to the sitters, for their spiritual work to come and explains that although our lives on Earth present us with tests and trials, we can learn from them before we reach the life to come.
Boniface says that those we have lost are not dead,
they are still around us, and are always trying to reach out,
but we lack the awareness to sense their presence.
He says that ‘links of love’ can never be broken
and because we all have a guardian angel
no one is truly alone in their life.
Mickey speaks briefly at the end of the recording,
followed by Anna and then Jock.
Note: This vintage recording has been enhanced for clarity.
Read the transcript below as you listen to the recording...
Present: Ethel Scarfe, Alfred Scarfe, Leslie Flint.
Communicators: Brother Boniface, Mickey, Anna, Jock.
Alfred Scarfe:
In this talk with Brother Boniface, he speaks about when he lived in our world...
God bless you.
God bless you.
My peace, my blessing be upon you my children.
Thank you very much.
You do not know me...
...and yet for a long time have I desired to come and speak unto you. First, it is only right that I should tell you something of myself.
So often, no doubt, people write and ask you about the various communicators that come through. No doubt, of course, many people are interested in their background and often, of course, in their material life when upon Earth. Though we, in ourselves, when we return to you, are less concerned with the past and the material conditions of the life that we have left.
Yet we are ever grateful for the experiences of that life, for it is in that time that we have experienced many things, which, to some extent, have paved the way for that life which we now inhabit.
Sometimes when we draw near to you and we look into your world and we see the chaos and the strife and the unhappiness among men, we are gratefully moved and are indeed most anxious to be of service.
And when we see, as we do, souls like unto yourselves, who are anxious to spread truth and knowledge and enlightenment to the world - when we come, as we oft-times do and see the efforts that you make, we are overjoyed, we are encouraged to continue our work, to do all in our power to assist, to guide and to help you.
When I lived in your world, many centuries of time ago, I was a member of the Catholic Church. I was one who, with great faith in my being, great realisation - as I thought - of the mind of God and his desires for his children, did, in consequence, serve to the best of my ability, his children.
I was not one of those who’s mind was closed and narrow. I endeavoured to open my heart and my soul - my very being - to illumination and to light. And though, to some extent, I was made to follow the teachings of the Church, there were certain things, certain aspects of its faith, that I could not readily accept.
But nevertheless, where it was possible, I did my utmost to bring a greater realisation among those with whom I lived and with whom I worked and those who, in their turn, followed also the teachings of the Christ.
Of course, with my greater knowledge now, I realise only too well the limitations which, to some extent, were set by my very surroundings, by the very conditions under which I had to ‘play my part’. But I can look back too and realise, that in some senses, I was ahead of my time.
I was, in a sense, ahead of many of my contemporaries, but I realise also - and I realised it then, to some extent - that I was indeed truly led by the power of the Holy Spirit. There were times when I felt myself very close indeed. And there were moments when I was transported in mind and in spirit far from the confines of the flesh.
And so my children, though one may, as I do on occasions, look back into the past with some joy in my heart for that which was... which was achieved, and perhaps also with some regrets for that which was not done. Yet, nevertheless, I am grateful for the experience of that life and for all that it enabled me to do, in spite of its limitations.
But above all I realise that it was, in a sense, a testing time. It was a time that was set, as indeed it is set for all men, if they did but realise it - a time of trial, a time in which we are given opportunity to expand our knowledge and experience, to develop ourselves in such a way that we shall fit ourselves for the life that is yet to come.
We do not appreciate life when we are living it to the extent at which we should. We do not appreciate the opportunities that are given to us. And we do not understand sometimes, the meanings of the trials and the errors that beset us.
But this I know, that we oft-times achieve the greatest things when we are most low, when we are indeed most heavily laden with sorrow and sadness. Then sometimes, indeed, is our greatest opportunity presented to serve - not only others but, in a sense, ourselves. We learn more from the sufferings of life than ever we learn from the joys.
You two dear people, you will understand more and more, as time progresses and the opportunities present themselves, what I am trying to convey. For the opportunities will be many. You will see ways and means presented to you, so that you can open up even more the avenue of truth, that others may tread it.
This work that you are doing, in conjunction with the souls that come from our realms, will enable you to reach, in consequence, untold numbers of people of all races and creeds. And if their minds are free and open to receive, they too shall in turn - having assimilated this knowledge and truth - endeavour to serve also.
You are given a great and wonderful work to do. And I know that you throw yourselves into it with every ounce of your being, with every power that you possess, with all the love in your hearts. But [of] this you can be reassured; that not one of your efforts is wasted, not one moment of your time is thrown away, that you are being assisted and helped in every conceivable possible way.
And if you could see, oft-times, the enormous numbers of souls that gather around you, unseen by you, but their power and their love is strong. And they assist you, they guide you, they encourage you, they inspire you and they do all that it is possible to do to make your task more easy.
But it can never be really easy, children. This you must know, for you will have to battle against all manner and conditions of life, all manner and conditions of humanity - some who will be open to receive and others who’s minds are closed. There will be some who will criticise and there will be some who will not accept, for various reasons.
But nevertheless, in spite of this, many shall come into the truth and many shall gather around you. And you shall be, indeed, given great help from them also, for they shall also be carriers of the truth as you are. For these things that you do, this work that you have been given to do, is greater than any of us.
For we are all instruments, we are all servants of the Most High. We are all doing the work of the Holy Spirit. We are all endeavouring to bring closer together the children of God, bringing together with a greater realisation in the mind of man - the true brotherhood, the true realisation of God’s will and purpose for his children.
I look back, but what is important, as it will be and must be for you, we look forward to the glorious hope, to the glorious possibility that lies ahead. For it is indeed a time that is coming, when man shall need more and more this truth, this realisation, this understanding, this knowledge.
There is so much ignorance in your world, ignorance of the things of the spirit. There is so much striving after self, so much selfishness. So much, unfortunately, in your world today is of the material and not of the spiritual.
We bring, truly, the spirit to you - the spirit of God in all its beauty, in all its glory, in all its magnificence - that you might, in your own way, give forth even more to those whose needs are many.
You are being built upon, as it were, in such a way that your strength shall be as a rock upon we shall build the edifice - and that edifice shall be like a light in the darkness and many shall bless it and many shall have cause to be grateful.
You indeed, my children, are doing a great work. We shall not fail, for that which we do together is greater than ourselves. We are truly the servants of the Most High and His work is given to us to do.
It’s a great joy and a great happiness for me to speak to you.
May we know who you are please?
May we know who you are, please?
You may call me Boniface.
Brother Boniface.
How nice.
I was, for many years, as I have told you, a member of the Faith, a member of the Church. I would not dare to say that I was a pillar of the Church, for looking back I see that, in some senses indeed, I was a rebel. Though I accepted the fundamental truths, there was much that caused me unhappiness, much that caused me to even doubt its authority.
But nevertheless, the fundamental truths are there. They remain, and they are the rock upon which is built our faith, our knowledge. I look back on those days and I am grateful, as I have already said, for them.
There may come a time, but I doubt it, when your footsteps may be led to the place where my … bones remain. They are important, it is no consequence to me that you should retrace the steps of time to seek out where I was laid to rest, as the world understands it.
I was, for many years, serving the Church at a place which now you call Bury Saint Edmunds.
Oh yes?
Oh yes! Quite near us...
The time of which I speak there was a great monastery and we built this monastery and this church.
[The sound of a passing vehicle]
At least perhaps it would be more honest to say that we remodelled it or we built upon that which was already laid. We added and we improved.
We were always working for the Church. And, in our own fashion, we were working for the peoples. When I see, as I have already said, many of the faults of the Church, many of the faults of my self and my workers, but I did not, as I have already said, agree with all.
But I served to the best of my ability. I was indeed, at times, sorely tried. But nevertheless, that which I had to do, I did. But what is more important than these things, is that which has been accomplished, that which has happened, that which indeed has become, for me, in the realms of the spirit.
There may be those in your world who, with their knowledge or perhaps their lack of knowledge, would find great difficulty in understanding and accepting this truth. And yet this truth is older even than the Church itself. It is older than many of the religions that are still remembered and known in your world, for it is the basis of all truths, it is the basis of all religions.
Always man has felt that there must be something beyond, so-called, death. Man has never felt that life, when it is extinguished by the death of the material body, that it ceased to be. Man, some will say, has flattered himself, to the extent that he cannot conceive that he is forever extinguished in regard to life.
Yet it is true to say - how true it is to say - that outside of that condition called Earth existence, there is a life more glorious, more beautiful than man can conceive of. For the limitations of the mind cannot allow man to grasp the immensity of the spirit.
And those who, for various reasons, cannot understand this communication, I would say that once you can realise that the body itself is but the clay, it is but, as it were, the ‘house’ in which dwelleth the spirit.
And when that body called ‘of Earth’ ceases to be, the spirit is not extinguished. The spirit which inhabited, the spirit which enlivened, the spirit which was the individual, is still active - and it is still endeavouring to penetrate into the material condition of Earth.
The one that you have loved - the one that has been close to you for so long in your material life has not gone far from your ken - is indeed near and around, is conscious of your thoughts and your love and is endeavouring to reach you. But until you yourselves can open up your heart and your mind to the realisation of the nearness of the spirit, you cannot perceive, you cannot understand and grasp all that is being said to you from the realm... from the realms of spirit, on the wings of love.
You are not alone in your world, for those who are sad and lonely, all around are the souls of the departed who love you, who are endeavouring to assist you, to guide you and uplift you. No soul who travels the path of Earth is alone. Each and every one has his guardian angel, apart from the many souls who come for various reasons, to guide and to help and to instruct.
The links that are forged by love can never be broken. Death cannot divide. Only ignorance can divide. The foolishness of man who only perceives as far as death’s door and cannot see beyond. The man who will open up his soul to reality will begin to grasp that the things of the spirit are the things that are eternal.
A man may build a house in your world and he may furnish it with all that is good therein, but this and all that it contains, must surely pass away, as the body passes also. But the things of the spirit that are within, these are the things of the mind and the intellect, these are the things which are indestructible and nothing can destroy. These are the things that remain.
As a man builds within himself, as he develops and expands his spiritual growth and experience, so shall he truly go forward in strength. All must learn. It may for some take eons of time. For we are in a condition of life where time itself is unimportant and there may be those, of course, who for some reason or another best known to themselves return for a brief span of time to live again. But this is a condition which is of choice.
There are many things that I would say unto you. And since I know of your needs, because I am interested, as I have already said, in all that you are endeavouring to do, I, Boniface, and other souls shall come to you. And together we shall converse, one with another and I and others shall pass through to you the instruction and the guidance that you need.
Knowing that you will give forth this truth to others, that they may be uplifted and encouraged to do the work of the spirit also. We have waited for the moment to come, when we shall really, as it were, open wide the doors between our world and yours. You have turned the key and you have helped us to make this possible.
We have given you opportunities and we shall give you greater ones in the future, children. For as I see you, I see you truly, as souls who have been sent into the world with a purpose and a mission. And though it may seem that you have been called to service late in your material life, it matters not. It is not in the time element, it is what can be achieved. And you have truly made possible this work.
And now, as we shall go forward from strength to strength, we shall surely show the world how the spirit and its power works, through those who’s minds are open to receive. The instruments that you have become shall truly have the opportunity to do this work in the fullest sense.
I wish it were possible at this moment to tell you more, but I too am restricted by [the] condition of time. But I say this before I go, that this is an opportunity that is presented to few, because so few are they who have made it possible for this knowledge and experience to become known to them.
You have made it possible and we shall work together, in love, in peace, in harmony. And we shall serve God and his children and we shall do all in our power to bring a greater peace and a greater happiness to man. Have no doubts, no fears. Be assured that you will be led, step by step.
Where there are problems and difficulties, gradually they shall be cleared. For the work of the spirit is such, that in consequence of all that may transpire, all the obstacles can and shall be removed by the effort that we make together. You have your tasks set - we have our minds set - on propagating the truth and nothing shall stand in its way.
I am sorry today that our sister is not present, but she shall have the benefit of listening to the voice of the spirit, on this your machine. And when next she comes, I shall unto her myself.
My peace and my blessing be with you my friends. Go forward and know that all is well. For indeed, truly are you children of God.
Peace be with you.
Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you very much.
I was awaiting for him to come because I know he has been waiting his time.
That’s very nice of him.
He’s a wonderful soul. I think he was a monk.
Yes he was.
Yes, that’s right.
There was a big... big place at Bury St Edmunds, Mickey.
Well, do you live near there then?
Yes, not many miles away.
Not far. About thirty miles.
I think if you want to...
There’s a great big abbey there now.
Is there? If you want to ask him any questions any time - any questions that perhaps people put to you, or questions you may want, for your own selves, you know I think he’s the one to answer them.
Mmm... Oh that’s good Mickey. That’s fine.
We’ll bear that in mind Mickey.
When is Joy coming again?
Well the next time we come, she’ll be able to come. It’s just Saturday you see. It’s rather difficult for her to leave, but she’ll be here the next time. I don’t think she’ll miss any more.
It’s a bit awkward for her this weekend.
Oh yes, I understand. I just wondered when she might be coming again.
Oh yes, she'll be coming again Mickey.
She’ll come again. It’s only just this once.
It was Saturday she couldn’t manage.
I’m so please to come and speak to you... I do not know if you can hear?
Yes we can hear. Is it Anna?
I am so thrilled and so happy because Boniface has come to you. He is such a wonderful person, such a wonderful soul. And I know he has been waiting for his opportunity to come and today it seemed so ideal; the conditions, everything.
Of course we are sorry Joy could not come, but we understand. But next time, no doubt, she will come, uh?
Yes, she will come.
You want to ask some questions, no?
I said, is it Anna?
Of course!
I don’t know, perhaps it is sometimes our voice sounds a little bit...
No Anna. Maria spoke very similar to you...
Oh, that is possible you know. Because it is that we all have to use the same instrument, you know...
And until perhaps we have asserted our personality, uh, many times, it is not always possible to reproduce, you know.
It is the... uh, complication, you know. But we do what we can, you know.
I am so happy for you today, that Boniface come. He is a beautiful person and he will be a great light for you to follow.
Yes, thank you very much.
That’s wonderful.
Bless you both. Give my love to Joy.
Yes, we will.
Au revoir, goodbye.
Aye, there’s no doubt about it that, uh...
Hello Jock.
Hello Jock.
... you’re going to have some real opportunities in the future. You might say you’ve got quite enough to do now,’ll be surprised what’s coming, now.
No, we’re...
... you’ll be surprised what’s coming, now. Because you’re not just going to sit there in that place and just do the recordings alone!
You’ll find other avenues already that are beginning to open up for you...
... and you’ve got to out and about a bit, now. And it may seem a bit much - a bit too perhaps - but you’ll be given the power and the strength to do it.
Well we’ve got it in mind about these propaganda meetings.
Aye! And the magazine too.
Ah, well. I’ve started on it, but you know...
Aye, but what with the writing and what with the making of the tapes and the sending them out and then doing the public work as well - you’re going to be that busy in the coming years that you won’t know which way to turn!
But mind you, you’ll have other souls brought to you on your side, and it will be a great help and you’ll form quite a community. It’s not just going to be three of you at work all the time, it will be dozens of you, each playing his or her part. So you’ve no need to worry about that.
As you begin to get more and more work piled on, so you’ll have more and more helpers sent.
Thank you very much indeed.
Anyway, don’t worry about it.
Oh I don’t worry... I’m only too thrilled to do it.
Give my love to Joy...
Oh we don’t worry about it, no. There’s little problems with finance at the moment, but we’ll get over them.
Aye, well there’s always trouble with money!
That’s the trouble. It’s a nuisance we have to use it, isn’t it Jock.
The more... the more you have to do, the more money that you need, but it’ll be found.
Thank you.
You’re going to do some fine work and you’ve already done a great deal, but that’s nothing to what you’re going to do. Goodness me, if I could explain what I mean, but it’s difficult. But in any case...
Jock:’s as well not to tell you too much too soon, you might be a little bit afraid.
Oh no...
No, we fear nothing now.
There’s so much... no I don’t mean that exactly, but you know...
Wondering whether we shall have time to do it or not?
Aye, not only time, but... anyway, you’ll be alright. Anyway, next time I hope Joy will come. My love and my blessings to you now. Goodbye.
This transcript was created for the Trust by K.Jackson-Barnes - July 2020